October 24, 2019

So, once a while, I feel inspired to write a blog about whatever…

It does not necessarily have to do with sailing. 

I could share one of my favorite recipes with you (look out for my favorite Paella recipe).  I have plenty from the countries we visited during our flotillas.

I could share my impressions about certain regions where we did sail and write about their history, culture, gastronomy and so on.

I could share with you some of my life experiences, like meeting people that have inspired me or have had a huge impact on my life.

There are lots of subjects that I could touch perhaps.

Maybe, we could even link some of the blog content to a YouTube video?

Here is an idea… In 2018, I enjoyed a truly unique experience.  I had it published on Facebook and on our old website but, with the new website, this trip report got lost.

After we came back from our June 2018 Croatia trip, I had to undergo emergency surgery to reattach my right eye retina. I was not allowed to fly for several months but needed to be in Italy in September for that year’s Tuscany flotilla. The only way for me to get to Italy was by ship.

Some of my followers here have already read this trip report but, for new visitors to our new website, I will publish this as my next blog because it was such a unique experience.

Talking about surgeries, for those of you who hadn’t heard yet, I am stuck at home with my leg propped up after last week’s ankle fusion surgery. It sucks…  I am therefore a bit limited in what I can do, like taking some relevant pictures.  I am on the mend and will be sailing again (a lot!) in 2020.

More news to follow! Captain Jean De Keyser.

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